I belong to the
Embroiderer's Guild and my local branch is going to exhibit work at Holy Trinity Church, Skipton at their flower festival which takes place over the August Bank holiday. The theme is Noah's Ark and members have been asked to make a cushion with this in mind. Work will be sold for the benefit of
Martin House Hospice, a special place in Boston Spa which cares for children with life limiting diseases.
With all these thoughts in my head, I chose a koala. These lovable (but somewhat grumpy) animals have a special place in my heart because it was a small purple toy koala that was my youngest daughter's favourite comforter. Known in our house as Gaga, the purple one has traveled all over with us and has been the object of many a midnight search! I drew my design on tracing paper and then, working on the reverse side, I machine embroidered a grey printed fabric, gradually building up the outline of the animal. I added a dark purple nose as a nod to our beloved Gaga.
I like the way that the fabric frays slightly, softening the edge and giving a kind of furry appearance. The leafy-green background fabric is not quite a eucalyptus tree but it is nicely verdant.
I hope that my cushion will be treasured by someone and that between us, the Embroiderer's Guild will raise money for a very worthwhile cause.